Schedule a Mass Intention or Sanctuary Lamp Intention

Having a Mass said for someone is a powerful way to intercede or pray for them on their behalf.

We are currently scheduling Mass Intentions for 2024. You can request a Mass through Faith Direct (click here) or by calling the Parish Office.

The suggested stipend for a Mass intention is $10. This signifies the sacrificial nature of giving something of yourself.

Would you like to light a Sanctuary Lamp in memory of a loved one or for a particular intention?

Saint Mary Magdalene is now offering an additional way to memorialize a deceased family member, or to honor or celebrate a special event, by sponsoring the Sanctuary Lamp which hangs by the Tabernacle in Church.

Offerings are $15 each. Remembrance begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday of your scheduled week. Place your petitions in the Offertory Basket or mail to the Parish Office. You can also find a link HERE.

The special intentions for the Lamp will be printed in our weekly bulletin, where we additionally ask our faithful Parishioners to keep those intentions in their prayers.

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