Religious Education
The parish is the center of faith formation for Catholics. Every person in your pews, every Catholic in your parish community…child or adult…is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship.
P.S.R - Parish School of Religion Program
Parish School of Religion (PSR) is to assist families with school-aged students attending public school or home schooled by providing their children with a Catholic Religious education. Classes will begin in the fall and students wishing to receive sacraments should be enrolled for at least one year prior to receiving their Sacraments.
All children grades K - 8 who are not attending a Catholic School should be enrolled in and attend PSR.
If you are interested in enrolling your child, please complete a PSR Registration form. You can download the form
HERE, print, then send to the Parish Office or drop in the Offertory Collection basket.
If you feel called to volunteer in our PSR program as a catechist, contact the Parish Office HERE to have someone contact you.
Preparation for First Communion, First Penance and Confirmation
Students who are enrolled in PSR or St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School will receive Sacramental preparation classes. They must be enrolled and attending classes for one full year before receiving the Sacrament.
Catholic Schools
O.C.I.A - Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
OCIA is a yearly catechesis program that prepares adults for full membership into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. We welcome any non-baptized adults and Christians baptized in other denominations who are interested in the Catholic faith. Adults and young adults who were baptized Catholic and would like to continue their journey to full initiation into the Church through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist are also invited to join the sessions. You can view more information